DUI Lawyer in Placentia
You can rely on Cypress DUI Attorney Richard Wagner's decades of experience to fight your DUI charges. Read Richard Wagner’s profile
Placentia DUI lawyer Richard Wagner has experience fighting for his clients facing DUI charges. Having an experienced attorney for your DUI in Placentia will make sure that you achieve the best possible outcome when facing DUI or other criminal charges.
Richard stuck by me for almost two years though a tough dui charge and he helped me so much along the way. With guidance through the case and then helping me, even after he didn't needed to, with an additional restitution hearing. He went above and beyond to fight for me and everything came out with the best result possible. He is great at communication and using the online system for documents and messages. I would highly recommend him to anyone seeking counsel." S.J. Inglewood Read what others have to say
Drivers who get a DUI in Placentia may not be aware of the potentially drastic consequences and repercussions of a DUI arrest. Therefore, it is important to seek legal assistance from a Placentia DUI attorney as soon as possible to help protect your future.
Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs can be hazardous, putting everyone on the road at risk. When the Orange County DA charges you with a DUI, you can face severe legal ramifications, including:
- Hefty Fines and Restitution
- Jail time
- The loss of your driver's license
- Damage to your reputation
- Professional / Business license consequences
Placentia is a city in northern Orange County, California. Placentia is surrounded by Yorba Linda, Fullerton, Anaheim, Brea.
The CHP patrols State Route 57 (the Orange Freeway) and State Route 91 (the Riverside Freeway) looking for impaired drivers.
The Placentia Police Department patrols streets like Chapman, Kraemer, Alta Vista, and Orangethorpe on the lookout for drunk drivers. The PPD is located at 401 E Chapman Avenue, Placentia, CA 92870, (714) 993-8164
Contact Richard Wagner today to discuss your unique situation and begin building your defense.
Highly Rated and Reviewed DUI Defense Attorney
→Top 100 Lawyers by National Trial Lawyers
→Superb Rating and 5-Star Reviews on AVVO
→5-Star Reviews on Google
→5-Star Reviews on Yelp
→National Association of Distinguished Counsel: Top One Percent
Richard Wagner Handles Your Placentia DUI:
• Arraignment
• Bail hearings
• DMV license suspension hearing
• Expungement and Sealing Arrest Records
• Jury trials
• Pretrial conferences
• Probation violation hearings
• Mandatory settlement conferences
• Restitution hearings
• Trial readiness conferences
• Warrant recall hearings
DUI Attorney Richard Wagner does not hand your case off to another anonymous attorney with less experience. He personally handles your case from start to finish.
Criminal Charges for a DUI in Placentia
Many drivers face DUI charges after being pulled over or involved in a motor vehicle accident. You can be charged with the crime for driving with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) that is equal to or in excess of the legal limits. Generally, you are not allowed to drive with a BAC at or above:
- 08% for drivers 21 and over in a non-commercial vehicle
- 04% for drivers 21 and over while driving a commercial vehicle
- 01% for drivers under 21 or for drivers 21 and over who are on DUI probation
However, California also has vehicle code sections the Orange County DA's office uses to prosecute you for the crime of driving under the influence of alcohol, even if your BAC does not exceed the legal limits. Vehicle Code Sections 23152(a) and 23153(a).
For a free legal consultation with a DUI lawyer serving Placentia, call (714) 721-4423.
DUIs in Placentia and the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV)
You will likely have to defend a criminal case if you are arrested and charged with a DUI. You will also have to face a Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) administrative hearing. All drivers accused of a DUI have these two battles to fight.
The DMV gives you ten days after your DUI arrest to arrange the hearing with the DMV. Drivers who fail to set up this hearing in a timely and proper manner will have their driving privileges automatically suspended or revoked.
The DMV has the power to suspend or revoke your license even if the DUI charges against you are reduced or dismissed. A professional DUI defense lawyer in Placentia can help you decipher how the criminal case and DMV hearing work.
Placentia DUI Lawyer Near Me (714) 721-4423.
Penalties for a DUI Conviction in Placentia
You can face severe criminal penalties if you are convicted of a DUI in Orange County courts. The penalties for a DUI also get worse as you accumulate more DUI convictions.
DUI charges can also become aggravated if the incident has certain aggravating facts, such as
- minors in the vehicle,
- injuries to others,
- excessive speed and reckless driving,
- high BAC,
- Refusing to take blood or breath test,
- Hit and run or accident.
Given the gravity of the situation, it is absolutely essential that you contact Placentia DUI lawyer Richard Wagner without delay.
How A DUI Lawyer Can Help
After a review of the evidence in your case, your lawyer might be able to get your DUI dismissed by filing a motion to suppress under California Penal Code 1538.5.
This tells the Orange County Judge that the Costa Mesa police officer violated your 4th Amendment rights to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures when they stopped you without reasonable suspicion or arrested you without probable cause.
DUI Lawyers also review whether the Costa Mesa Police conducted the Field Sobriety Tests according to NHTSA criteria or set up the DUI checkpoint according to constitutional guidelines. Richard Wagner might be able to get your charges dismissed or reduced to a less severe charge.
Placentia DUI Evidence
A knowledgeable Placentia DUI attorney can serve subpoenas to obtain and inspect the body worn camera footage and audio recordings including radio dispatch tapes of your DUI investigation.
A complete investigation will entail an examination to see if your rights or privileges were violated and a compilation of data to build your defense.
Your DUI Lawyer should review all statements from percipient witnesses and physical evidence obtained in your DUI investigation such as blood samples or breath samples.
Your DUI Defense Attorney should get all the evidence related to your case, including a thorough review of the Driving Under the Influence Report, as well as the Age 21 and Older Officer's Statement, DMV form DS367.
Your DUI Defense Attorney is entitled to get from the prosecution all relevant evidence seized or obtained as a part of the investigation. PC 1054. This includes all exculpatory evidence. Brady v. Maryland (1963) 373 US 83.
Subpoenas can be served on the Orange County crime lab. This will provide evidence about the blood testing procedures, lab protocols, chain of custody, and storage of blood samples. This evidence can be used to build a fermentation defense strategy. Read Understanding DUI Blood Tests
Obtain evidence about the breath test. Request operator training records. Verify if the Placentia police officer has been trained to give the AlcoSensor V XL breath machine. Other evidence includes:
• maintenance logs
• calibration logs
• accuracy check records
• Subject test record log
• Read Understanding DUI Breath Tests
It is highly recommended that you rely on a professional DUI lawyer for your Placentia DUI to assess your legal options and strategy. The goal is to build a strong defense while helping you handle your court case and DMV hearing.
If you were arrested in Placentia for Driving Under the Influence, your case will be heard in the North Justice Center, located at 1275 Berkeley Avenue, California.
The DMV is the Driver Safety Branch, located at 790 The City Drive, Suite 420, Orange, California, (714) 703-2511.
If you were arrested for DUI in Placentia, call experienced Placentia DUI Lawyer Richard Wagner at (714) 721-4423 to privately discuss your defense strategy.